sábado, 20 de octubre de 2007

Outrageaously awesome

Recently, my friends starting pulling my plonker and laughing at me because they say my English seems to come out from a Harry Potter movie. I was smashed down! I strongly disagree with that! I want to knuckle them down as they are becoming more and more obnoxious and I don'k know why...?!
The other day we went to Sawu, the Temple, trying to self-indulge in some drinks. This place is a pub where I use to get together with my mates. Although the bouncers at the door are viciously unkind, and it is always packed-out, we can get in with no problem. Most people out are dazzled when we make it inside so rapidly and they remain dangling out there.
Once inside, with an adequate table in the right spot, it's Her Majesty's pleasure! We are always thrilled to dance at the squidgy tunes and sip some spirits to keep our throats drenched. Leo, our former chief waiter provides with all the requirement elements and effectively scavenges our table to keep it squeaqy clean.
Being in this table was when DJ3 and Manolo played a hard ball on me and my vocabulary. I was deligthed to explain them we can always go beyond "Sandwich", right??? from time to time the American English makes me want to puke!

We had a brightly managed discussion we were unable to take to the aftermath, but I still severely disagree!

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